The Bnb Bestie Course is now open!

Get ready to change your life by making money on Airbnb - you don’ t even have to own property! 😱

In the Bnb Bestie Course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Communicate with landlords/owners

  • Set up your listing on Airbnb

  • Get furniture & supplies

  • Beat the Airbnb algorithm and maximize your views

  • Airbnb your own home, arbitrage (rent to rent) & management

  • How to find clients in unexpected ways

Gain FREEDOM in your life, whether it’s being able to spend more time with your kids, quit your job or just do whatever you want when you want!

What you get:

  • Guidance on how to do everything Airbnb from getting your first unit, to setting up your listing and scaling!

  • Monthly Q&A calls in the private Facebook group!

  • FREE support in the Facebook group for 2 months

  • My favorite items list that you can use for your Airbnb!

  • A management contract (written by a lawyer) to use with clients!

Who, what, when, where, why?

Who: Me! I’m teaching!

What: The Bnb Bestie Course - scheduled to be 8-10 weeks 🙌🏽

When: We get started LIVE on Wednesday May 29th at 5:30 pm EST

Where: Zoom baby!

Why? So you can learn how to get more freedom and cash in your life, silly!